Office Branding: shaping a showcase for your brand
Office branding involves much more than putting your logo up here and there, getting new carpets & chairs, and painting the walls in corporate colours. Although even that can help to reinforce your brand and create a less boring office! After all, who likes to work in a plain and monotonous office?
Office branding is a well-thought-out, strategic process that starts with a study of every aspect of your brand — the culture and values, products and propositions, customers and achievements. Then, using a blend of creative and technical skills, designs are drawn up — to represent and reflect all these various aspects on the walls in aesthetic ways
The objective is to create an office with a unique personality, one that boosts yourbrand image among potential customers and visitors. The goal is to use ideas, graphics, messaging and creative materials to build a work space that energizes and inspires your people, with messages that resonate with them.
Considering we spend a third of our lives at work, it’s important that the work space is pleasant, comfortable, engaging. So office branding is essential to transform bare spaces into attractive environments that create a good experience for staff and visitors alike.
An engaging ‘branded’ work space benefits your employees, boosting morale and motivation, making people proud of their company. They start to understand the company vision and values; they become part of your brand with pleasure and positivity.
Office branding need not be all about your brand. More personal, creative touches such as breakout areas, color schemes, artwork and even interactive walls can brighten the environment, making the office more enjoyable for your staff.
Interics Designs has decades of experience in spatial branding. Whether it is abrand experience centre or a corporate museum, showroom design orcorporate office branding, Interics Designs partners with clients to help them achieve their vision and enhance business outcomes. We conduct research, study and analyze product/service, its market, needs and objectives.
Interics’ team of space design strategists not only understands branding requirements and is good at strategy, but is proficient at developing compelling concepts and transforming imaginative ideas into installations. Application of multi-disciplinary skills is important. Our decades of experience in the field and knowledge of latest materials, technologies and trends only help to hone our output.
Interics Designs is a multi-disciplinary creative design agency in India with proven expertise in Brand Strategy, Brand Image Building, Graphic Designand Environment Branding.