4 min readOct 30, 2021


The onset of digital platforms has changed how customers engage with brands. Companies that apply brand experience strategically and intelligently affect, at many levels, their performance in the market.

There is a need to provide a holistic brand experience that serves as a strong brand differentiator triggering brand loyalty.

But what is a digital brand experience? It is what people see, hear, think and feel abouta brand’s online presence. Brand experience is a strategic concept that generates value in the experience of contact, interaction and consumption between brands and consumers. It helps tobuild and strengthen the relationship of brands with their customers at all times of contact and interaction.

Digital marketing and digital branding use a consistent approach to create a holistic digital brand experience. Every moment of contact or interaction builds customer perception, and repetitive building of perception shapes customer loyalty. So, brand experience has to be a continuous process, performed at every touch point and interaction, making the best impression every time.

Brand experiences are a great way to connect with your audience. Memorable interactions between you and your customer will get people talking, drive deeper engagement and inspire customers to act. According to McKinsey, brand experience drives word of mouth more than any other factor, accounting for up to 80 per cent of pre-purchase word-of-mouth marketing.

As an experienced brand consultancy in India, Interics IN-DIGITAL applies the ideas of brand experience to the digital environment. We understand that creating a digital brand experience is a continuously evolving, shifting challenge. As technologies and user experience standards change, it becomes more complex. However, there are some basic tactics Interics IN-DIGITAL follows for proven outcomes.


The days when you created an attractive website and forgot about it are gone. The ‘design-and-done’ model is obsolete. Today, sites need to be constantly updated and improved so as to captivate targeted audiences, support current users and convert new visitors.

Websites can be made more engaging through personalisation of content, chat bots so visitors get the information they want as quickly as possible, and A/B testing of marketing designs.

As a leading website design & development company in India, we develop brand content so it is ‘fluid’ and can be consumed in fragments. That way, the content can be published on the branded siteand repurposed for social networks to optimise web content management.

Search Engine Optimization is a huge part of effective websites. We create keyword-aware, user-centric content that helps in ranking, lead generation and brand building.


When it comes to B2B marketing, connecting online is about sharing and building thought leadership.Today’s B2B customers use social networks just as much as B2C ones. They share views and experiences.

Interics IN-DIGITAL helps create reach and influence across LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other social media.We also suggest using social as an advertising platform as paid social advertising lets you target specific audience segments and reach more viewers.


It’s no secret that video is booming. Customers prefer video content. Interactive videos certainly help influence buying behavior and accelerate the purchase cycle. Interics IN-DIGITAL can create engaging video content to educate the target audience, create brand awareness and lead them to a buying decision. From educational videos to product videos, elevator-pitch videos that explain what you do to experience videos, Interics can develop and deliverengaging dynamic media assets for clients.


Events that enable face-to-face interactions are proven to be effective brand experience platforms. It could be a trade show or conference, customer event or product launch — events also help to gather a database, expand reach and build relationships. Interics helps organise events and promote them to your audience in an effective way — getting people to talk about you before, during and after the event.


IN-DIGITAL is a division of Interics Designs Pvt. Ltd., a leading independent customer experience company focusing on business, design and technology. As a full-services digital marketing agency in India, the aim is to drive business growth through superior customer experiences that deliver brand and consumer value in the digital economy.

Through a customised combination of Content Strategy, Social Media Strategy, Digital Advertising, Website Design and more, we tailor digital marketing solutions for brand experiences that are relevant, consistent and compelling.

Interics IN-DIGITAL uses new technologies and digital media to engage with audiences at both functional and emotional levels. We consider every aspect of a brand’s visual language and tone of voice, and strategically deploy changing technologies, ensuring clarity and optimisation across touch points and interactions. With content strategy, advertising, image creation & building supported through digital campaigns, we offer personalised, meaningful and memorable brand experiences that resonate with consumers, build brand loyalty and deliver attractive return on investment.

A top advertising agency in India, Interics has proved itself as a brand launch agency, social media marketing agency, SEO agency and lead generation agency. Whether you want a digital marketing strategy for new product launch or to build brand awareness through digital marketing; whether you’re looking for effective lead generation or brand reputation management; we tailor solutions for powerful digital brand experience and measurable brand impact.





We create intelligent design systems by harnessing our interdisciplinary expertise and innovation in Brand, Space and Digital platforms

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